Dåtid - Nutid

Hittade precis en bild från 60-talet och kan bara konstatera att jag vill äga allt han har på sig! Bilden skulle lika gärna kunnat vara tagen nu. Oxfordskjorta, cardigan, kostymbyxor och ökenkängor! Bra kille.
Your dad wore desert chukka boots before you did. He traveled the world. He has bartered in Kolkata’s outdoor flea markets, gone on safari in Africa and hiked mountains in the Swiss Alps. Most shoes couldn’t withstand the wanderlust that your father’s feet had, that’s why he needed a boot that was comfortable, durable and suave enough to help him bed a new mistress in every foreign land he laid his head down in.  Why do you wear them hipsters? Aren’t your classic Vans enough? Do you really need a pair of smooth as boots to accent your unwashed, ripped, stained Levis worn with an ironic vintage salvation army t-shirt? Those shoes were an accent to your dad’s lifestyle, a lifestyle that involved being awesome on the reg, traveling the world and being an international pimp.  So hipsters, step up your game if you want to step into your dad’s shoes.
/ F


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